Norvic Philatelics - GB New Stamps and Special Postmarks

Christmas - 4 November 2003

Incredible ice and snow sculptures, including one created at the North Pole, will freeze their way onto this year's Christmas stamps, which see the highest ever face value for a special stamp set. Following the issue of definitive (NVI) stamps for the 40gr airmail rates, the Christmas stamps are in "the most used British and Overseas postage rates".

Scottish artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy created the amazing frozen artworks on these self-adhesive stamps.

2nd class stamp 1st class stamp 'E'-rate stamp
2nd class - Ice Spiral 1st class - Icicle Star 'E' rate - Wall of Frozen Snow
53p stamp 68p stamp £1.12 stamp
53p Ice Ball 68p Ice Hole £1.12 Snow Pyramids

All images are taken from Royal Mail's Philatelic Bulletin and Postmark Bulletin, and are Copyright 2003 by Royal Mail.

Design features

Andy Goldsworthy hit the headlines in June 2000 when he placed 13, one-ton snowballs around London for a Brit Art exhibition.

The Ice Spiral (2nd Class) was made in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, at the Glen Marlin Falls, from reconstructed icicles.

The multi-pointed Icicle Star (1st Class) was made at Scaur Water, also in Dumfriesshire, by dipping the thick ends of icicles in snow then water, holding them until they froze together, occasionally using forked sticks as a support until they stuck, then breathing on the sticks first to release them.

Goldsworthy travelled to Japan to create the Wall of ice blocks on the 'E' Class stamp. The glowing globes of light at the heart of the blocks were created by carving at the snow with a stick almost through to the other side. Where the block is thinnest, the sun is brightest.

It?s back to Scotland for the intriguing Ice Ball (53p stamp - 40gr European airmail). To make this, Goldsworthy found pools of water that had iced over with sheets of different thicknesses. These were broken up and then the pieces were ?welded? together with water from dripping ice to form the hollow ball.

The Ice Hole (68p stamp - 40gr world airmail) was created in Capenhich, Dumfriesshire Scotland, by filling the arch of a branch with snow and making a hole which changed with the light.

Standing eerily inside the Arctic Circle are the four Snow Pyramids or spires, which Goldsworthy moulded from snow at Grise Fjord, Ellesmere Island for the £1.12 stamp [40gr international airmail].

Technical details: . The stamps, designed by Dick Davis, are printed in gravure by De La Rue. They will be in sheets of 50, and there will also be 'booklets' of 12 x 1st class and 24 x 2nd class stamps. Christmas airletters (in English and bi-lingual Welsh versions) will also show Goldsworthy ice sculptures.

1st class stamps by Andy Goldsworthy, with labels showing photographic images of a polar bear, harp seal, snowshoe hare, polar fox and snowy owl 2nd class stamps by Andy Goldsworthy, with labels showing ice sculptures of - penguin, polar bear, arctic hare, seal and ptarmigan

Smilers Stamps for 1st & 2nd class values will be available from the same date. Shown here at the left is the 2nd class strip of 5 stamps with labels depicting ice sculptures of a polar bear, arctic hare, seal, penguin and ptarmigan. To the right is the 1st class strip with labels showing photographic images of a polar bear, harp seal, snowshoe hare, polar fox and snowy owl. The picture below shows early images of the whole sheets.

1st & 2nd class 'Smilers' sheets of 1st & 2nd class stamps by Andy Goldsworthy, with labels showing photographic images of a polar bear, harp seal, snowshoe hare, polar fox and snowy owl on the 1st class and animal ice sculptures - penguin, polar bear, arctic hare, seal and ptarmigan on the 2nd class

Norvic Exclusive First Day Cover

We will as usual have an exclusive FDC for this issue which will be collectable in its own right or as part of the series over the next few years.
Cover with 6 stamps from ordinary sheets, with postmark E8836 or M8779 - £8.25.
Norvic Philatelics' limited edition first day cover for the Andy Goldsworthy Ice Sculptures stamps, showing a selection of snowflakes with a complete set of stamps.
Smilers: pair of covers with set of 5 1st stamps postmarked L8825 and a set of 5 2nd stamps postmarked L8824 S O L D.
Norvic Philatelics' limited edition first day cover for the Andy Goldsworthy Ice Sculptures stamps, showing a selection of snowflakes with 5x1st class Smilers stamps Norvic Philatelics' limited edition first day cover for the Andy Goldsworthy Ice Sculptures stamps, showing a selection of snowflakes with 5 x 2nd class Smilers stamps

Also available:
Mint set of 6 - £4.75
Mint Smilers sheets 1st class - £9.50       2nd class £7.50
Some PO FDCs also available - price on request.
Stamp cards 147x105mm with reproductions of the stamps (about 100x100mm) - £3.00 per set.
Christmas Greetings Cards - reproducing the stamp designs without the value and Queen's head. Size 150mm square - price £4.50 per set of 6.

These postmarks were available for the date of issue and all should be available on first day covers.

ice star ice hole snowflakes snowflake portrait
Ref FD323
Bureau Official Postmark
Ref FD324
Bethlehem, Llandeilo Official Postmark
Ref M8779
Snow Hill, Birmingham
Ref W8798
Bethlehem, Llandeilo
Ref W8799
Hector Berlioz Bicentenary, "The Childhood of Christ", Nasareth, Caernarfon
snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake
Ref M8826
Christmas, Chilwell, Nottingham
Ref N8827
Christmas, Frostow, Sedbergh
Ref N8828
Christmas, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield
Ref N8829
Christmas, Winterburn, Skipton
Ref S8827
Christmas, Snowhill, Enniskillen
snowflake snowflake icicle star wizard snowflake
Ref W8839
Christmas, Cold Blow, Narberth
Ref E8835
Snowball Hill, Maidenhead, Berks
Ref E8836
Cold Christmas, Ware
Ref E8837
The Wise Man, West Stafford, Dorchester Public House/Inn
Ref L8825
Christmas Ice Sculptures, Freezywater, Enfield
snowman & snowflakes Father Christmas penguin submarine Santa Claus - Father Christmas
Ref L8822
Snow & Ice Sculptures, Freezywater, Enfield
Ref L8823
Merry Christmas, Dartford
Ref L8824
Snowy Fielder Waye, Isleworth
Ref S8830
X3 Sunk on Exercise, Loch Striven, Dunoon
Ref L8809
Merry 2003 Christmas to All, St Nicholas Road, London SE18

This page updated 4 November 2003 [7.2.05]

2003 stamp issues
14 January Birds of Prey 21 January Flowers Greetings Stamps Smilers Sheet 4 February Occasions/Greetings stamps and Smilers sheet 25 February Medical Science - DNA & Genome 4 March Hello SA booklet & Wales 1st reprint
25 March Fun Fruit & Vegetables 27 March New definitives, SA airmail booklets of 40gr stamps 29 April Extreme Endeavours 6 May 34p definitives 20 May Wilding II miniature sheet
28 May Wales 2nd class, 1st class gold reprints 2 June - 50th Anniversary of the Coronation 17 June Prince William of Wales 1 July High Value Definitive reprints 15 July British Journey - Scotland
29 July Cartoons Smilers Sheet 12 August Pub Signs - Europa 18 September Transports of Delight - toys 30 September Christmas Robin Smilers Sheet 7 October 250th Anniv. of British Museum
13 October Reprints of Country Stamps 4 November - Christmas: Ice Sculptures 18 December England World Cup - Rugby Winners