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Norfolk & Norwich Philatelic Society


Saturday 3 August 2024
10.00 am - 3.30 pm

South School Hall - Hewett Academy (note location - same as in April)
Gate 3, Hall Road


Norvic Philatelics at the NNPS Summer Fair 2006.

Local and National Dealers - Stamps - Postal History 
  - Society Sales Table

Free packets of stamps for Juniors age 15 or under.

Raffle with prizes for collectors

Free Admission 

Refreshments - Ample* Free Car Parking

* Overspill car parking at the previous location via Gate 1, Cecil Road, but access to hall only along the road.

Further information phone 01328 829318 or 07765 858457

Our next Stamp Fair should be in March/April 2025 at the same school - watch this space!

Norfolk & Norwich Philatelic Society

For all the latest news on new Great Britain stamps, postmarks, postal history and philately in general
visit the Norvic Philatelics blog